"Miscellaneous" Section

This section contains parameters that define the appearance and behavior of the shape.


A binary value which defines whether the shape's rotation and resize handles are visible or not.
TRUE - the handles are visible;
FALSE - the handles are invisible.


A binary value which defines whether the shape's alignment box is visible or not.
TRUE -  the alignment box is visible;
FALSE - the alignment box is invisible.


A binary value which defines whether the shape will be printed when you print the page.
TRUE - the shape will not be printed;
FALSE - the shape will be printed.


This field determines the way the shape behaves when you resize the group to which it belongs.

0 - Corresponds to the group's appropriate setting;
1 - Simply repositions keeping the size;
2 - Resizes when the group is resized.


A binary value which defines whether the shape's control handles are visible or not.
TRUE - the control handles are visible;
FALSE - the control handles are invisible.


A binary value which defines whether the shape's text is visible or not.
TRUE - the text is visible;
FALSE - the text is invisible.


Determines the double-click action of the shape. You can also change this parameter in the Double-Click floating dialog, or on the Double-Click tab of the Shape Properties dialog.

0 - perform no action;
1 - edit shape's text;
2 - edit group;
3 - open shape parameter table;
4 - open hyperlink;
5 - open OLE-application if OLE-object;
9 - perform an action set in the Actions section.


This parameter has no effect if the value of DblClick is other than 9. If the value of DblClick is 9, one or more of the context menu items are performed.
0 - executes all items described in the Actions section (it's equivalent to choosing Action Loop in the Custom Action area of the Double-Click floating dialog).
If other than 0, executes the action described in the corresponding line of the Actions section.

Variables from the Miscelaneous section are specified in the following form in the formulas:


For more information:
about the Double-Click floating dialog - see Dialogs - Floating Dialogs - Double Click
about the Shape Properties dialog - see Dialogs - Modal dialogs - Shape Properties,
about the Actions section of the parameter table see Actions in Shape Parameter Table - The Table's Sections
about adding items to the shape's context menu - see Shape Parameter Table - Adding User-Defined Context Menu to a Shape.

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